Hey, Farmily! Happy February!
So today we have some big news to pass along concerning our farm and this 2018 season, both good... and difficult. First, the GOOD news!
Coming out of the cold December/January, ALL of our hives survived and are thriving as we head into spring! 🐝 This means MORE HONEY, as well as an expanded line of raw, whipped honey 🍯 in flavors like organic cinnamon, organic blueberry, and organic southern pecan. You’re not going to believe how delicious these raw honeys are! 🙌🏻 In addition, a new commercial license will allow us to sell honey in stores across Bowie County, so look for us this year at the Granary on New Boston Road... and Julie’s Deli on Summerhill. Of course, we will also be at the Texarkana Farmers’ Market on Saturdays. This is an exciting year for us as our apiary expands and we anticipate a good honey year!
🐝 Did you know honey is seasonal? Bees will begin making spring honey this month as soon as trees begin blooming, and will continue to make it through May/June as wildflowers and herbs bloom. For more details on honey availability, please sign up for our Newsletter or follow us on Facebook or Instagram. 🐝
ALSO... we are launching our line of raw honey + beeswax balms online this month! 👏🏻 Find our ever-popular Bee Balm, Calm Balm, Soothe Balm, Gardener’s Balm... and NEW Paw Balm, Tattoo Balm, Woodworker’s Balm, Beard Balm, Baby Balm, and Girl Balm on our website. Lip balms will be there, too!
🤨 But now for the difficult news. Are you still with us?
The week of Christmas, the farm was rocked by news that Brin’s husband filed for divorce. (Brin is Balm + Honey’s founder and beekeeper/farmer.) In the aftermath of that filing, things got complicated fast. The result is that Brin has had to file a complaint of tortious interference, which means that Balm + Honey Farm has been intentionally harmed in this process. (Note, as of this post both our website and email are down.) Besides losing all of our spring plant starts (including flowers, greens, peppers, etc.), some equipment/beeswax/supplies, Balm + Honey is no longer able to proceed with plans to obtain 2018 USDA grants and/or financing to realize our new farm location on South Stateline before the divorce is finalized or the owner places the property on the market this spring.
Due to these complications, and upon legal advice, Balm + Honey Farm has relinquished our lease on the South Stateline property. While there is still a chance that we could make an offer on our dream location later this season, it’s not looking likely. More on that to come.
All this aside, we are refusing to let this awful circumstance bring the farm down! Operations have moved back to our previous location in Cass County until this situation is resolved. We are scrambling to re-plant, re-buy various equipment and supplies, and re-work our 2018 production schedule. Announcements concerning CSA schedules, produce availability, and wholesale production will be made in early March.
We are deeply frustrated by the effect that one man’s decision will have on our Farmily and community, and we apologize on behalf of the farm. 😔 (And as you can imagine, Brin is upset that her dream - and everyone’s hard work - on South Stateline has been interrupted before it really began.) Please know we are working tirelessly to mitigate this unfortunate turn of events for the farm. And who knows? Maybe our loving Creator has much better things in store for Balm + Honey... things better than anything we could ask or imagine!
It’s important to us that we keep you all informed of what is going on, so please visit our home page to sign up for our newsletter and get updates concerning this developing situation.
Until then, know we are ‘farming on’ and more committed than EVER to raising up a community organic farm in Texarkana!
You are appreciated and loved, Farmily. Thanks for standing with us. 💛
-Balm and Honey Farm and the Wisdom family