There's a short chain between field and fork, and the shorter that chain is - the fresher, the more transparent that system is... - Joel Salatin
So we've started a small, bio-intensive, organically-focused vegetable farm. With little more than a few acres, an old, rattly tractor, handfuls of heirloom, GMO-free seed, and stubborn determination, we broke ground on what we're now calling the "West Field" of the farm. Our goal? To grow clean, real food (and plenty of it) for our family, our neighbors, and our farm friends. (Add everyone together and meet our "farmily".) How will we do it? Heaven only knows. But if our Grandmothers taught us anything, it's that Where there's a will, there's a way.
Have we ever said where our name - Balm and Honey - came from? It's from the Bible, actually. The phrase comes from Genesis 43:11, where a family going through difficult times decides to offer "a little balm and a little honey", among other choice items from the land, as part of a gift. Years ago, when beekeeping was just a dream and the only thing we grew was a few potted herbs and a few leggy tomatoes, this was the seed we watered constantly: that one day we, too, would be able to offer the best of what the land gave us - a little balm and a little honey - as a gift to those around us. Seeing this dream unfold has been breathtaking and miraculous.
Thank you for being here. These are exciting days, and we eagerly work toward the day we can welcome you to the farm, show you around, and connect you to the fields, the hives, and food in a meaningful, personal way. Until then, we appreciate you joining us in this big (to us) endeavor, and pray we all reap a good harvest in the coming days. -Brin, Owner, Grower, Beekeeper
There's a short chain between field and fork, and the shorter that chain is - the fresher, the more transparent that system is - the less chance there is of anything from bio-terrorism to pathogenicity to spoilage.
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's a short chain between field and fork, and the shorter that chain is - the fresher, the more transparent that system is - the less chance there is of anything from bio-terrorism to pathogenicity to spoilage.Read more at:
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